
November 24, 2020

PPP Loans – Stay Alert!

PPP Loans – Stay Alert!888 DownloadsIn response to the COVID-19 global pandemic the US federal government began providing PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loans as an economic relief for US small […]
August 22, 2020

The Importance of Audited and Reviewed Financial Statements

The Importance of Audited and Reviewed Financial Statements922 DownloadsIn one of our previous blogs which can be found here, #formal-financial-audits-reviews-and-bases-of-accounting-in-the-everyday-small-business-industry, we spoke about “What is a formal financial audit?” and […]
October 10, 2014

Using Your Credit to Increase Your Working Capital

Using Your Credit to Increase Your Working Capital1375 DownloadsIn business, working capital is defined as current assets minus current liabilities; this calculation demonstrates whether or not a company has enough […]
April 17, 2014

Money and Finance – What You Need to Know

Money and Finance – What You Need to Know1070 DownloadsWith a strong background in Finance as well, I have written an e-book highlighting useful basic concepts about Money and Finance. […]
April 16, 2014

20 Ways to SaVE on Your Taxes

20 Ways to SaVE on Your Taxes1620 DownloadsLearn about 20 easy ways to save on your taxes. It’s free. Click on the read more button to view now. READ MORE